How to Make Money from PLR Products

April 12, 2020| admin
How to Make Money from PLR Products

You are at this post because you know about PLR and want to make money from PLR products. If not, let’s read this article first- What Is PLR?.

Private label rights or PLR is a serious income-generating tool for any marketer or digital startups who’s into building an internet empire.

To avoid a lengthy and complex description on what PLR is, it’s technically buying content — or any digital goods — that someone else created, and it’s yours to do whatever you want with it. Just make sure to read the seller’s agreement first, so you know exactly your rights and limitations.

Some private label rights come with restrictions, so best avoid committing the deadly sin to avoid any future hurt.

To make it short, sweet and straight, you can make money with PLR!

  1. Sell product as is or with minimal tweaking

This is basically the most obvious and firsthand option on how to earn with PLR. You can alter or modify the product by adding your name to it, or you can automatically sell it as such. Whatever you think works best for your business.

  1. Tap into eBay

eBay gets a lot of traffic and can be a really lucrative venue to get you started with your PLR income. Just keep in mind that every PLR product comes with specific licensing terms set by the seller. Some authors do not allow their items sold online through auctions.

  1. Website content

The higher quality the content, the more likely your readership will increase. People come online to learn, read and get answers to questions. Avoid dishing them with the next bull most sites offer these days which they pass off as ‘web content’. The higher traffic, the more AdSense clicks, probability of converting more paying customers for your product, or affiliate commission for related products featured on your site.

  1. Autoresponder content

Similar to the previous strategy, the only difference is instead of using PLR as content for your website, make use of it to load content into your autoresponder. Take for example a PLR eBook. You can chop it down into parts and create a series of a newsletter from them revolving around a single topic. Select the frequency at which you’ll send these emails. Learn how to maximize the use of autoresponders to get conversions.

  1. Sell A Bundle of PLR products

This can come in the form of a comprehensive course on a specific topic, or PLR article, PLR Videos and eBook packs on certain niches. For example, if you’re in possession of five different weight loss PLR, why not combine all of them and come up with a course on how to lose weight. You can typically charge a premium for such products. To get more out of it, you can opt turning it into a physical product which routinely sells for $200-$1000.

  1. Funnel strategy

Simply put, create a sales funnel of a group of PLR by recommending each of the other products to customers who purchased any of the other products. Let’s take that five weight loss product for example. If you sold “Debunking Weight Loss Myths”, the buyer is added to your autoresponder list which gives you access to send that person follow-up messages on the four other products that are related or supplementary to what the person just bought. Make it so that their desire to purchase the next product is whetted.

  1. Membership Sites

What to do with your too many PLR articles? Start a membership site! Not only were you able to use the products for your business, but you can earn from them as well simply by asking for monthly membership fees. Make sure to keep updating your database as well in order to avoid losing memberships and increasing the likelihood of getting more and more paying members.


These are just to name a few. There are so much more possible ways on how you can make money from PLR. Just keep in mind that although private label rights can be a nifty shortcut, there is still work to be done.

Download copyright-free, up-to-date and most recent products in the industry with UrbanPLR. Our PLR store supplies a wide variety of PLR content. Buy,Use,Sell and Earn 100% Profit.
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Categories: PLR Business, PLR for Beginner, PLR Tips