How To Do Keywords Research For Your PLR Business

August 6, 2020| admin
PLR Business

Keyword research is nothing more than finding the words or phrases that people use when they are looking for something on the net using search engines like Google or Yahoo. So, in this case, for your PLR Business, you would be looking for words or phrases that people will use when they are looking for information related to your business like- PLR products, PLR Articles, PLR Ebooks, PLR stock photos etc.

Research Keywords, Grow Your PLR Business

While it sounds remarkably simple and perhaps even a little mundane, keyword research is a fundamental cornerstone of any successful online marketing campaign. This is because keywords are the clearest and most effective indicator of what people are looking for when they surf. In other words, keywords tell you exactly what people want or need.
So, if you can take this information and create a product that satisfies those wants and needs before putting the finished product in front of these hungry consumers, you have an almost perfect sales situation.
Another point to understand about keyword research is that you need to build a good list of keywords that will drive visitors who are potential customers to your sales page. As an example, if you are selling a Facebook-related product, then there is no point in having people who are interested in aviation visiting your sales page.
Your current objective is, therefore, to compose a list of Facebook-related keywords that you can build your sales pages around that will, in turn, send visitors to your site.
It was mentioned above that Facebook is the second most popular social networking site, with MySpace being number one. Because of its popularity, many people have already found ways of monetizing their MySpace accounts, and products about how to do this are relatively common.
Products about how to do this with Facebook are however far less common. I would suggest that the majority of Facebook users are not yet aware that there are money-making opportunities available on their favorite social network. Consequently, for many Facebook users, the idea that they can make money through their connection with the site might come as something of a surprise. (You will see proof of this theory later.)
For this reason, I would not recommend that you should limit your keyword research to finding words or phrases related to making money with Facebook, as this could potentially limit your eventual market. Given the circumstances, it would make much more sense to start with the single word Facebook, and go from there.
There are many free keyword research tools that you can use, but the best one that I have found (in other words, the most accurate one) can be found at Wordtracker, so let’s go there and start researching.

Categories: PLR Business